Hijacking online accounts through voicemail
When it comes to online accounts, voicemail is a major security hole. Here’s why.
69 articles
When it comes to online accounts, voicemail is a major security hole. Here’s why.
World Cup 2018 is coming. If you’re going to Russia, you’ve gotta be prepared. Take our quiz and find out if you are ready!
Originally targeting users from Japan, Korea, and China, Roaming Mantis is quickly spreading worldwide, infecting smartphones through hacked wi-fi routers.
If someone offers cryptocurrency for nothing, remember the only free cheese is in a mousetrap. Here’s what’s really going on.
Do border agents have the right to search your devices? How can you protect your data from searches at the border? We have 11 tips covering this topic.
Xiaomi’s robotic vacuum cleaner was hacked by security researchers. However, it proved much more secure than most other smart devices.
The largest motor show in the world is the best place to see what cars will look like in the near future.
Several months ago, our experts found a bunch of vulnerabilities in Android apps that allow users to control their cars remotely. What has changed since then?
A story about a large malicious campaign carried out in Facebook Messenger — and how it worked.
Android Trojans have been mimicking banking apps, messengers, and social apps for a while. Taxi-booking apps are next on the list.
A hacker connects a mysterious device to a lock, picks its code within a few seconds, and unlocks the door. That’s how it always happens in the movies, but is it the same in real life?
What do you suppose the click-through rate is for links received by men in dating app messages from attractive women? Take a guess — 1%? 5%? 15%? According to research
For several years the biggest smartphone developer, Samsung, has been heavily promoting the Tizen operating system. This experiment began in 2013, when the market saw two new Samsung cameras that
1. What is a VPN? From Wikipedia’s current definition: “A virtual private network (VPN) is a virtualized extension of a private network across a public network such as the Internet.”
Virtual goods are becoming more and more popular with cybercriminals, who are aiming more and more scams at gamers. Crooks have taken a renewed shine to World of Warcraft, as
One of the most important pieces of advice on cybersecurity is that you should never input logins, passwords, credit card information, and so forth, if you think the page URL
Usually when we talk about encryptor ransomware, we recommend that victims do not pay the ransom. To begin with, paying encourages malware creators to continue their operations. It’s simple supply
Researchers at Chinese security company Keen Lab claim that they have managed to remotely hack an unmodified Tesla Model S with the latest firmware installed. After one driver’s interaction with
I was one of hundreds of thousands of passengers affected by the recent computer system failure at Delta Air Lines. It happened on August 8, when I had two flights
The “Jeep hackers,” Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek, got their nickname and achieved fame last year when they remotely hijacked a moving Jeep Cherokee. It’s a year later now, and
Last year, we joined forces with Dutch law enforcement to launch the NoRansom website, which helps victims of CoinVault ransomware restore access to their data. Later, we enhanced the website