Game over? It’s up to your password
People put a lot of time, effort, and money into the online games they love. And yet many of them don’t bother to protect their gaming accounts properly.
29 articles
People put a lot of time, effort, and money into the online games they love. And yet many of them don’t bother to protect their gaming accounts properly.
Password management is one of the most essential and yet probably the most annoying of security measures. Short passwords are easy to remember, but they’re insecure; long and strong passwords
We keep talking (and talking, and talking) about passwords. Having strong passwords for all accounts is really a must: Our recent study shows that one in five users has experienced attempts to hack their accounts —
Do you have any idea of how many online services you actually use or sites and forums that you visit? If you were to track and count, the sheer number
When the iPhone and app store rolled out, there was a phrase that became ubiquitous to our lives becoming more connected: “There’s an app for that.” Fast-forward to 2016 and
There’s a lot to be said about passwords. First, every year new generations discover the Internet and keep making the same mistakes as their predecessors, who in turn do not
Have you recently noticed some weird suggestions on your Netflix account? Have you seen a new user under your account that you have no idea how it got there? Well,
An online password manager can make your life much easier by automatically entering individual passwords for each website and service you visit. It is a very convenient tool – unless